Beginning in Acts 14:27 through 15:18, we find fifteen instances in which the sovereignty of God is clearly articulated at a council in Jerusalem where the apostles and local church leaders gathered to discuss an issue that touched upon the nature of salvation. Fifteen times God is presented as the Actor in all events. The apostle Paul and his missionary laborer Barnabas first describe in detail, not what they had done for the Lord, but all that He had done with them and how He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles; what miracles and marvelous works God had produced among the Gentiles by them. This is followed by the apostle Peter who emphasized how God made His choice of him as the instrument by which the unsaved would hear the gospel and believe. Finally, the apostle James speaks and reiterates the same sentiment in proclaiming how God visited the Gentiles to claim a people for His name and concludes with “the Lord who does all these things.”
The meaning of such language and phraseology cannot be mistaken: God is the Actor and we, the apostles included, are merely His instruments. No other passages in Scripture contain such emphatic language and repeated lessons on man’s insufficiency compared to God’s ability to accomplish His desired end to save a people for Himself, to turn sinners into saints.
If you likewise believe wholeheartedly that God in His sovereignty chooses to use men as His mouthpiece to bring the good news of salvation that will inevitably result in the salvation of God’s elect from every nation, tribe, people, and tongue (Rev. 7:9), then we welcome your kindred spirit at our ministry. Furthermore, if it is truly your heart’s desire to be used by God for the proclamation of the gospel in order to reach the unchurched at home and abroad so that God may continue to take out a people for Himself, we encourage you to complete the below application for an FLM missionary.
Please be prepared to devote at least thirty minutes to the completion of this application.